15+ Years Medical & Healthcare Consulting

Spine Surgeon Mumbai | Zenspine

Whatever your back or neck symptoms are, we are here to help you! Informed patient choice being the cornerstone of our practice, we aim to deliver patient centred and evidenced-based management of all spinal conditions. Dr. Dhake, has been trained in spinal surgery extensively and has worldwide experience in the speciality. We intend to ensure quality of care and international standard of practice in the city of Mumbai and beyond, for our patients to have the best possible quality of life!

Our Service & Treatment

Conditions we specialize in

Degenerative Conditions (Backpain/ Neckpain )

Welcome to Zen Spine! We understand the importance of addressing degenerative conditions that cause back pain and neck pain. At Zen Spine, our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to helping individuals ...

Spinal Trauma/ Fracture

Spinal trauma and fractures, whether caused by accidents, falls, or underlying medical conditions, can have a significant impact on an individual’s quality of life. In particular, osteoporosis, a condition characterized by weakened bones, can increase the risk of...

Spinal Trauma/ Fracture

Spinal trauma and fractures, whether caused by accidents, falls, or underlying medical conditions, can have a significant impact on an individual’s quality of life. In particular, osteoporosis, a condition characterized by weakened bones, can increase the risk of...

Spine Deformity

Welcome to Zen Spine! We are here to provide you with information and support for various spine deformities and conditions, including scoliosis, kyphosis, and neuromuscular issues. Our aim is to help you achieve a balanced and healthy spine, enhancing your overall well-being. At Zen Spine...

Spine Tumor/ Metastasis

Welcome to Zen Spine, your trusted source for information on spinal health. In this article, we will delve into the topic of spine tumors and metastasis, focusing specifically on metastatic spinal cord compression. Understanding this condition is crucial for patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals alike. So let’s explore the..

Spine Tumor/ Metastasis

Welcome to Zen Spine, your trusted source for information on spinal health. In this article, we will delve into the topic of spine tumors and metastasis, focusing specifically on metastatic spinal cord compression. Understanding this condition is crucial for patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals alike. So let’s explore the..

Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

Welcome to Zen Spine, where we specialize in Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (MISS). Our mission is to provide our patients with advanced and effective treatment options that minimize discomfort, promote faster recovery, and restore quality of life...

Spine Infection​

Welcome to Zen Spine, your trusted source for information on spinal health. In this article, we will delve into two serious conditions that affect the spine: tuberculous spondylodiscitis and spinal abscess. Understanding these conditions is crucial for maintaining a healthy spine and seeking appropriate medical care when needed....

Spine Infection​

Welcome to Zen Spine, your trusted source for information on spinal health. In this article, we will delve into two serious conditions that affect the spine: tuberculous spondylodiscitis and spinal abscess. Understanding these conditions is crucial for maintaining a healthy spine and seeking appropriate medical care when needed....

Why Choose Us?

Having extensively trained in spinal surgery, we offer expert help for your spine problems. We take every aspect of your condition into consideration when assessing and managing your symptoms. Complex cases are discussed in MDT (multi-disciplinary team) with our team Onespine in the UK, prior to planning the procedure and approve it being performed. We aim to deliver international standards of best clinical care to our patients.

Latest Blogs

“United in Passion, Driven by Excellence”

क्या स्लिप डिस्क खुद से ठीक हो सकता है? Can disc herniations heal on its own? (HINDI) by Dr. Dhake

कई डिस्क हर्नियेशन अपने आप ठीक हो जाते हैं। अगर आराम, फिजियोथेरेपी और दवाएं अच्छे से मिलें तो कई मरीज कुछ ही हफ्तों में बेहतर महसूस करने लगते हैं। शायद ही कभी, कुछ लंबे समय से चली आ रही, कठोर, या तीव्र विशाल डिस्क हर्नियेशन के लिए सर्जरी की आवश्यकता हो सकती है।

Spine Surgery Myths: The Truth You Need to Know (HINDI) स्पाइन सर्जरी: मिथक और तथ्य | डॉ राकेश ढ़ाके

स्पाइन सर्जरी के बारे में सच्चाई: आपको क्या जानना चाहिए| जानिए स्पाइन सर्जरी से जुड़े मिथक और तथ्य|
The Truth About Spine Surgery: What You NEED to Know

Life After Spine Surgery (HINDI) स्पाइन सर्जरी के बाद का नया जीवन|

स्पाइन सर्जरी के बाद का जीवन एक नया आरंभ होता है। यह आयाम से ज्यादा महत्वपूर्ण हो सकता है, क्योंकि इसका असर न केवल आपके शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य पर होता है, बल्कि आपके भावनात्मक और मानसिक स्वास्थ्य पर भी। सर्जरी के बाद, सही चिकित्सकीय सलाह और व्यायाम के साथ, आप अपने जीवन को फिर से स्वास्थ्यपूर्ण, सकारात्मक, और सक्रिय तरीके से जी सकते हैं। यह एक संघर्षपूर्ण सफलता की दिशा में एक कदम हो सकता है, जिससे आप अपने जीवन को नयी ऊँचाइयों तक पहुँच सकते हैं।

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Zen Spine Clinics Are Located In Mumbai At Following Locations:

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